A Letter To A High School Student


Dear High School Student,

I am writing this to you because I want to let you know that life after college is not just the life you are imagining right now.

The different professions you know like nurse, engineer, accountant, programmer, teacher, doctor, or banker are not the only jobs out there. There are a lot. Too many that you never thought your personality, talent and skills would be suited for that job.

So while you are still in high school, you need to do your homework.

On school days, be good in every subject you have.  Listen attentively. Study hard. Take note of the subjects you are good at.

On weekends, do something that will develop your other potentials. Get a hobby, read a book, build a webpage, make little inventions, do sport, write short stories or cook your favorite food. Do anything that will not waste your energy and time as long as it is something you enjoy doing.

On your summer vacations, explore different activities. Serve on a fast food, be a cashier of your parents’ business, volunteer in a charity, teach in Sunday school or join a summer camp. Don’t let summer breaks be over without experiencing something that will help you in your future someday.

You need to understand that your college years are crucial to the kind of life you want to have someday. Your parents will not just invest on you with their money but you will also invest your own time and effort for it.

As early as now, you must learn to set a vision for yourself. What kind of work would you want to end up with when you retire? Mostly, the first job is not really the kind of job you want but it would be the first step that would bring you to that vision you have set.

While you are still young, keep the balance of having fun, learning and developing your potentials.

And lastly, always remember that God designed you for a purpose. Don’t ever feel that you lack or you are no better than your classmate. You are unique. All you need to do is to discover what that purpose is.

Think about it. 🙂

Just me, caring for the future generation.


high school

Teach us to number our days,
that we may gain a heart of wisdom.  (Psalm 90:12)

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